
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hellllllllllloooooooooo (echo echo echo) anyone there?

Whoa!! I'm back from T-E-N days of not talking. Hands down the hardest thing I have ever done -- times 100. I have so many stories for you, but first...presenting the Women of Dhamma Kuta. (photos were taken on the 10th day - can you see the relief and joy?)
Created with flickr slideshow.


  1. Fantastic, Heather! That's quite an accomplishment, especially for someone as gregarious as you!
    Your portraits are beautiful.
    Aunt R.

  2. Amazing! Think of all the new friends you'll have by the end of this trip... and I'm so glad we're all along for the ride. xoxo, Ali

  3. YEAH HEATHER!!!!! You did it and rocked it! Amazing.

  4. You and that camera! What an accomplished duo! Thanks for taking me and the camera with you. Through your pictures, I feel both the inner and the outer beauty of the women, including you.
